Picking the electron pockets


The remarkable discovery of quantum oscillations in the normal ground state of the copper oxide superconductors left wide open the question of the associated electronic structure, with several dozen theories being proposed.

Our experimental tour de force of quantum oscillation measurements combined with results from complementary techniques revealed the electronic structure of the ground state to be a diamond-shaped nodal Fermi surface pocket created by biaxial charge density wave reconstruction.

  • Normal-state nodal electronic structure in underdoped high-Tc copper oxides.
    Nature 511, 61 (2014)
    Suchitra E. Sebastian, N. Harrison, F. F. Balakirev, M. M. Altarawneh, P. A. Goddard, R. Liang, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, G. G. Lonzarich
  • A multi-component Fermi surface in the vortex state of an underdoped high-Tc superconductor
    Nature 454, 200 (2008)
    Suchitra E. Sebastian, N. Harrison, E. Palm, T. P. Murphy, R. Liang, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, G. G. Lonzarich


Research highlights

Suchitra Sebastian


01223 850481

Siân Dutton


01223 764159

Cavendish Laboratory,

19 J J Thomson Avenue,

Maxwell Center